2024 asian festival
Participating organizations
- City of San Antonio/Workforce Development Department
- EF High School Exchange Year
- Hisako Lange The Lange family can teach how to make easy origami and make origami greeting card with kanji stamp. All hand made.
- Kawacon www.kawaconsa.com
- Office of Historic Preservation
- Radical Registrars
- Raindrop Foundation - Turkish Community
- San Antonio Chinese Culture Institute - Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning
- San Antonio Public Library
- San Antonio Orchid Society This year, our educational booth will concentrate on pointing out what countries orchids come from. We will have examples of several orchids in bloom and of course our orchid give away!
- San Japan Introduction to traditional Japanese toys and beginner-level origami.
- Selective Service
- Shen Yun Performning Arts
- Texas Health and Science University